Home Commoditizing Network Security

Commoditizing Network Security

Simplifying network and security infrastructure with open, standard white boxes from multiple ODM vendors

One Building Block - Multiple Services

insidePacket’s Network as a Service (NaaS) solution is the world’s first to run networking and security services combined, on commodity off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware.

In contrast to traditional network appliances, which require dedicated hardware for each service, inisdepacket technology is based on “inspect once” architecture, which allows for stateful services to be run at a high scale on standard white box switches and servers.

This allows for full disaggregation of hardware and software while enabling network security services to run at line rate and scale.

This means that the hardware and software can be purchased separately, and the software can be installed on any COTS hardware.
It simplifies inventory management and reduces OPEX by utilizing the same hardware throughout the infrastructure – from networking to stateful services such as firewall, NAT, or load balancing.

White box vendors can be selected independently from the networking and security software, breaking vendor lock-in and reducing costs while gradually growing the network by adding more white boxes as needed.

insidepacket Certifed Hardware and ASIC Vendors



Standard Servers and Networking White Boxes

insidepacket Network as a Service solution uses standard servers and networking white boxes to enable different sizes and capacities of the solution. As part of the insidepacket open ecosystem, various certified ODM vendors offer servers or white boxes with high-performance merchant silicon, such as the Broadcom Jericho family, and high port density (10G/100G/400G).

Any operator site is built with only one of two types of hardware – Intel-based server or Broadcom-based white boxes. This simplifies the network security architecture, supply chain, and maintenance while supporting any service on any port.

The white box ecosystem provides:

  • Disaggregation of network-security applications and Hardware
  • Scale granularity from 1Gbps to 100’s of Tbps
  • 3X Pace of  Innovation Vs. vertically integrated Solutions
  • Customizable solution per network location – capacity, use case
  • Freedom to Choose: ODM vendors, ASIC vendors
  • Carrier-grade performance – high availability, reliability, and security
  • Lower TCO  – Multi-purpose hardware result to dramatic cost reductions compared with vertically integrated


Open White Box Ecosystem Benefits

  • No more vendor lock-in

    No more vendor lock-in

    Breaks vendor lock with wide flexibility in vendor choice and procurement models
  • Simplified infrastructure

    Simplified infrastructure

    Simplifies network infrastructure, inventory and management
  • High-scale & carrier-grade

    High-scale & carrier-grade

    Powers Network Cloud’s carrier-grade scale from 1Gbps to 100's of Tbps